Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Best Thing I Was Ever Forced To Do

A couple of semesters ago I took Spiritual Formation at Golden Gate Seminary. This was just another class on a list of courses that was required for me to take to get my degree. I remember as I started going over the syllabus a realization that this was not going to be like your average class. I noticed several assignments that were not your normal research paper or quiz. One that quickly stood out was that I had to spend 4-6 hours on a spiritual retreat by myself and journal about it. Another was that I was going to have to fast one day a week for three straight weeks. I quickly realized that I knew nothing about spiritual formation. As a result, I was both anxious and excited about this course. After all is said and done it has probably been the most helpful class that I have ever taken.

This blog is meant to discuss several spiritual disciplines that I learned in that class which will help in the spiritual formation of those who read and participate in this blog. The primary audience intended to read this is the congregation of West Greenway Bible Church. However, my hope is that whoever reads this understands that is all about improving your relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

I also pray that these disciplines will help you become a better disciple of Christ. Moreover, if you do them correctly, these disciplines will be catalysts to forming your Spirit in the same mold as Christ. Below is Dallas Willard’s definition of spiritual formation.

"Spiritual formation, without regard to any specifically religious context or tradition, is the process by which the human spirit or will is given a definite 'form' or character. It is a process that happens to everyone. The most despicable as well as the most admirable of persons have had a spiritual formation. Terrorist as well as saints are the outcome of spiritual formation. Their spirits or hearts have been formed. Period."

So the question has to be asked, “How are you actively forming your spirit to conform to the spirit of God?” Also, “How much time and effort do these practices take?” Spiritual formation is an intentional act. You are either choosing to follow Christ and conform to His image or you are not. I challenge you to embrace the spiritual disciplines that will be discussed in this blog and to allow God to work through them in you.

As I introduce a new discipline please try it also and let everyone know how God speaks to you through it. It is by communicating about our relationship with God and how He speaks to us that we build one another up. I had intended to talk about fasting first. However, we will be exploring the practice of Lectio Devina or praying through the scriptures, first. I look forward to this adventure in growing closer to our Savior with you. Remember, this could be the best thing you ever chose to do voluntarily.


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